Wednesday, August 11, 2010

3D TruSound, a further improvement on the TruSound strategy.

Widex introduced TruSound strategy a few years ago, this feature is probably the least understood or easily confused. This is mainly because it is a sub heading as opposed to a name for one single feature. With the Clear platform, Widex has again been able to improve on the TruSound strategy and is now introducing 3D TruSound. Again the name is really a sub heading as opposed to one single feature, it is actually eight features designed to bring a natural sound experience with excellent sound quality.

The components of 3D TruSound are:

InterEar TruSound compression                                                          Digital Pinna

InterEar Speech Enhancer                                                                 InterEar feedback cancelling

InterEar volume shift                                                                        Enhanced Bandwidth

InterEar program control                                                                   TruSound Softener

The first five features work to provide the most natural sound experience available, bringing true binaural processing of signal to hearing devices for the first time. The last three contribute towards the fantastic sound quality that Widex is now famous for. The InterEar features have only been made possible by the invention of the WidexLink technology by Widex R&D. I shall talk about WidexLink at a later date, but to give you an appreciation of the benefits that it allows you need to understand what it does. WidexLink allows the hearing aids to speak to each other on a constant basis, transferring massive amounts of data 21 times a second. That is right, large amounts of processing data, 21 times a second.

This allows the the InterEar TruSound compression to preserve the interaural time difference and the interaural level difference, by preserving these cues the sound is more natural. These cues along with the Digital Pinna allow almost natural localisation for the first time in hearing devices. The InterEar Speech Enhancer again uses the power of the combined processing strategy to improve on the speech Enhancers already impressive abilities with the streaming of data from ear to ear allowing the better application of noise reduction strategies. The InterEar feedback cancelling system again uses the data exchange of the WidexLink system to make more secure decisions on whether or not there is feedback in the system, it is a double check system to ensure that there is less chance of the feedback cancelling system attacking sounds that are not actually feedback.

The InterEar volume shift and program control are designed to allow the best basis for InterEar co-ordination and ease of use. The Enhanced Bandwidth that is available in the Clear platform gives a greater sound quality, the range in transmitted sound is from 70Hz in the low frequencies to 11.2 KHz in the high frequencies, in microphone sound the bandwidth is from 70Hz to 10.5KHz.

In Summary, the features within the 3D TruSound concept give the following benefits,

InterEar TruSound compression: Maintaining interaural level difference to aid localisation.

InterEar Speech Enhancer: Aid focus on dominant speaker in noise.

InterEar volume shift: For balanced hearing.

InterEar program control: For balanced hearing.

Digital Pinna: To aid localisation

TruSound Softener: More comfortable sound.

InterEar feedback cancelling: Better sound quality.

Enhanced bandwidth: Better sound quality.

These combined features are 3D TruSound, one of the components of Widexs’ renowned sound quality which has again been improved on with the dedication and innovation of the Widex R&D team.

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