This bulletin describes the features you can change and how to do it using Compass V4.5 and above. The descriptions refer to the feature setting options in the Fine Tuning section. The feature setting may be changed for the microphone mode, the speech and noise mode and the feedback cancelling mode. Please refer to Compass in order to see the details of the screen. Remember that Compass offers several help functions to explain the different options in the program: Tooltips, Solution guide, Using this window panels and the help manual.
The feature settings may be changed individually for each of the listening programs in mind440. Such changes are easily made in the Feature settings panel in the Fine tuning section in Compass. In this panel you can change the mode in which the microphone works, the mode in which speech and noise is handled in the hearing aid and the mode in which acoustic feedback is handled in the hearing aid.
The feature settings panel in the Fine tuning window of Compass
Microphone mode
The Microphone mode can be set to one of three settings: The default setting in the Master program is Hd Locator with Speech Tracer. The High definition Locator is a 15-channel fully adaptive directional microphone system that exploits frequency-specific information about the listening environment to improve the signal-to-noise ratio. The Speech Tracer ensures full audibility of single speakers in relatively quiet rooms, regardless of the intensity level and the azimuth of the speaker. The other two options are Hd Locator dir (fixed directional characteristic) and Hd Locator omni (fixed omnidirectional characteristic). We recommend that these two modes are primarily used for demonstration purposes.
The microphone mode options
Speech and noise mode
The Speech and noise mode can be set to one of six settings. The default setting in the Master program is Speech Enhancer. This is a signal processing scheme that utilises information about the individual hearing loss along with current information on the spectrum of the speaker and the noise source to optimise intelligibility according to the Speech Intelligibility Index (SII). You can also select
a classic Widex noise reduction scheme, Noise reduction, in the drop-down list. This would be an option for clients who have previous successful experience with Widex hearing aids and our classic approach to noise reduction. These two settings are supplemented by a less and a more active version, Noise reduction minimal and Noise reduction enhanced, and a version with special focus on listening
comfort in all types and degrees of background noise, Noise reduction comfort. Finally you can choose to deactivate the Speech and noise mode altogether using the setting Off.
The speech and noise mode options
Feedback cancelling modes
The feedback cancelling mode options
The mind440 Multidirectional active feedback cancelling feature integrates knowledge of the acoustic properties of the hearing aid in the ear with directional sensitivity for each of the 15 frequency channels in mind440. Its mode of operation can be set to one of four settings. The default setting of the Feedback cancelling mode in the Master program is SuperGain, meaning that the hearing aid gives as much gain as possible without the risk of whistling. You can use the drop-down list to change the setting to SuperGain music, especially designed for listening to music, or to SuperGain max, designed to give as much gain as possible, even if you risk that the hearing aid occasionally whistles. You also have the option to turn the feedback cancelling system off altogether, in which case an extra adjustment parameter will appear. This parameter allows you to adjust the static max gain limit across frequencies in case of whistling. Deactivating the Multi-directional feedback cancelling feature is only recommended in fittings with considerable headroom in the maximum available gain without feedback. Otherwise recurring acoustic feedback may be a considerable problem for your client.
PDF Copy of the bulletin for download Changing feature settings
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