Audiological bulletin no. 50
Customising receiver ear-sets for Passion hearing aids and
removing the battery drawer to connect programming cables
In this bulletin you can learn how to assemble the Passion EarWare. The receiver ear-sets described in
this bulletin are ear-sets from the Widex EarWare RIC box for Passion hearing aids. This bulletin also
contains instructions on how to correctly remove the Passion battery drawer to connect the programming
You find the following topics in this bulletin:
Acoustic identities: Instant open, Instant flex or Custom flex (vented) 2
• Fitting the EarWare 3
• EarWare maintenance 14
• How to connect the programming cables to a Passion hearing aid 17
• Tips to correct bad fits 18
The procedure of fitting a Passion RIC ear-set is very similar to fitting the ear-set of an m hearing aid
or a 9-model. An additional step in preparing the receiver ear-set is assembling the EarWire with the
Acoustic identities: Instant open, Instant flex or Custom flex (vented)
The Passion hearing aid is flexible and can be configured as an instant open fitting or an instant/custom
flex fitting with a vent. When fitting a Passion RIC hearing aid, make sure that the physical and
acoustic identities are the same. Once you have the physical ear-set of the Passion RIC hearing aid,
you must select the corresponding acoustic identity in Compass. This ensures that the correct data set
is loaded into the hearing aid.
Fitting type Acoustic identity Ear-set tip
Open fitting Wire open Instant receiver ear-tip open,small (S) or large (L)
Flex fitting with optional vent Wire flex Instant receiver ear-tip flex
(size 8 to 11) or Custom receiver ear-tip flex
Note that you cannot convert a Passion hearing aid to have a closed instead of an open acoustic identity
and vice versa when you fit Passion with the iP5 programmer. When using iP5, make sure that
the Passion has the desired acoustic identity, i.e. wire open or wire flex.
Fitting the EarWare
Passion EarWare box
When you fit a Passion RIC hearing aid, you need the EarWare box for Passion. It contains all the
items you need to build a Passion ear-set, that is EarWires in different lengths for the left and for the
right ear, instant receiver ear-tip open and instant receiver ear-tip flex in several sizes, lock rings,
anchors, wax guards, vent tubes, vent blocks, receiver housings, an assembly tool, a measurement tool,
a measurement dummy and an instruction sheet showing how to assemble the ear-set.
EarWires for the right ear are marked with red numbers and EarWires for the left ear are marked
with blue numbers.
Note: Do not use ear-tips from the m or élan EarWare box for Passion hearing aids and vice versa.
Step 1: Finding the appropriate EarWire length
Start the fitting process by finding the appropriate length of EarWire. To find the correct EarWire length, you can use the measuring tool in the EarWare RIC box. Place the measurement tool on the client’s ear. The desired receiver ear-tip must be level with the centre of the tragus.The ear in the photo to the left needs a length 2 EarWire.
Alternatively you can use the EarWire measurement dummy available in the EarWare RIC box. Place the hearing aid dummy on the client’s
ear. Count the plastic markings from the top down. They correspond to the available EarWire lengths.The ear in the photo will be best fitted with a length 2 EarWire.
Step 2: Connecting the receiver to the EarWire and attaching the NanoCare wax guard
Place the EarWire with the black protector in the black assembly tool. Disconnect the EarWire from the protector and dispose of the protector. Note that the number printed on the terminal end of the EarWire should be facing upwards.
Place the receiver housing with receiver inside in the assembly tool with the side with the number 1 upwards and the small plastic pin downwards. Place the EarWire in the assembly tool with the number pointing upwards. Push the tool together. Remove the EarWire by lifting it upwards and out of the tool.
Attach the NanoCare wax guard to the end of the receiver that is not attached to the EarWire. The procedure used is the same as when attaching a wax guard to a Widex ITE or CIC hearing aid. Instant receiver ear-tip open
For open fittings select an Instant receiver ear-tip open. This receiver eartip is available in a small (S) and a large (L) version. Select the appropriate size for the client’s ear canal.
Step 3: Attaching the receiver ear-tip: Instant open, Instant flex or Custom flex.
Slide the Instant open ear-tip onto the receiver housing.
Make sure the ear-tip is securely fastened to the receiver housing. Instant receiver ear-tip flex Select the appropriate receiver ear-tip from the four sizes, from 8 (smallest) to 11 (biggest).
Push the receiver housing into the larger of the two canals in the Instant
receiver ear-tip flex.
Make sure the blue or red number on the EarWire and the anchor holes
are still visible. Vent: There are three vent options for the Instant receiver ear-tip flex: 1.7 mm (default), 1.0 mm and closed. 1 mm vent: insert the vent tube in the Instant receiver ear-tip flex. 0 mm vent: insert the vent block in the Instant receiver ear-tip flex.
Custom receiver ear-tip flex
For the Custom receiver ear-tip flex place the lock ring onto the receiver
housing. The lock ring makes sure that the receiver ear-tip is sealed acoustically and that the receiver sits properly in the Custom receiver ear-tip flex.
8 Insert the receiver and EarWire backwards onto the Custom receiver
Push the Custom receiver ear-tip over the receiver housing.
Make sure that the Custom receiver eartip is firmly secured by the lock ring.
Step 4: Trimming the anchor (Instant open and Instant flex) if needed
Thread the pointed end of the anchor through the upper hole.
Pull the anchor until it is stopped by
the grip at the end.
Now bend the anchor downwards until you can guide the pointed end through the lower hole to form a small loop.
Define a suitable loop size according to the ear canal of the client.
Cut off any excess anchor with finecutting nippers or scissors, leaving only the loop.
Take care to cut off all the excess anchor protruding out of the hole, so that the end of the anchor loop is flush with the small hole and there are no sharp edges.
Step 5: Connecting the EarWare to the hearing aid
The EarWire is connected to the hearing aid by means of a click-on mechanism.
To disconnect the receiver ear-set from the hearing aid, pull the ear-set firmly.
Insert the colour coding (blue for left, red for right) above the battery compartment of the hearing aid.
Step 6: Placing the hearing aid on the ear
Place the hearing aid behind the client’s ear and place the receiver ear-tip in the ear.
The hearing aid should rest comfortably behind the ear without hanging freely above the ear or pulling the hearing aid or the ear-tip. When the hearing aid with the receiver ear-set is positioned correctly on the ear, the EarWire should closely follow the contour of the ear.
EarWare maintenance
Exchanging the NanoCare wax guard
Instruct the client thoroughly on how to change the NanoCare wax guard. The receiver can remain in the receiver housing when exchanging the NanoCare wax guard. For Custom receiver ear-tips flex, exchange the NanoCare in the same way as you would with an ITE or CIC hearing aid.
Instruct the client thoroughly that the EarWire may never be washed in water.
Replacing the receiver
If the receiver stops working properly, it should be replaced. See below for instructions on how to replace the receiver for each Passion receiver ear-tip type.
Replacing the receiver housing
To ensure a stable and secure joint, the receiver housing must be changed every time it is removed from the EarWire. The procedure for exchanging the receiver housing depends on the type of receiver ear-tip used.
Instant receiver flex
1. Push the receiver housing out of the Instant ear-tip by squeezing the solid ear-tip.
2. Place the EarWire and the receiver housing in the closed assembly tool with both the number printed on the receiver housing and the terminal end of the EarWire facing upwards.
3. Hold the EarWire and receiver housing in place while pulling the assembly tool open.
4. Remove the EarWire and the receiver from the tool.
5. Press the receiver and receiver housing into the hole with the pin of the assembly tool. The receiver should eject from the old housing.
6. Place the new receiver housing into the patent hole in the assembly tool, and press the receiver into the new housing.
7. Connect the new receiver housing to the new Ear-Wire using the assembly tool. The number on the receiver housing and the terminal end of the Ear-Wire must point upwards.
8. Attach a NanoCare wax guard.
9. Connect the Instant receiver ear-tip flex.
Instant receiver open
1. Disconnect the ear-tip from the rest of the ear-set by pushing it off.
2. Place the EarWire and receiver in the closed assembly tool.
3. Hold the EarWire and receiver in place while pulling the assembly tool open.
4. Remove the EarWire and receiver from the tool.
5. Press the receiver and receiver housing into the hole with the pin of the assembly tool. The receiver should eject from the old housing.
6. Place the new receiver housing into the patent hole in the assembly tool, and press the receiver into the new housing.
7. Connect the new receiver housing to the new EarWire using the assembly tool. The number on the receiver housing and the terminal end of the EarWire must point upwards.
8. Attach a NanoCare wax guard.
9. Connect the Instant receiver ear-tip open.
Custom receiver flex
1. Disconnect the EarWire from the BTE part/housing by pulling it off the hearing aid
2. Push the receiver and EarWire using the NanoCare holding pin into the custom flex.
3. Remove and discard the lock ring.
4. Place the EarWire and receiver in the closed assembly tool.
5. Hold the EarWire and receiver in place while pulling the assembly tool open.
6. Remove the EarWire and receiver from the tool.
7. Press the receiver and receiver housing into the hole with the pin of the assembly tool. The receiver should eject from the old housing.
8. Place the new receiver housing into the patent hole in the assembly tool, and press the receiver
into the new housing.
9. Connect the new receiver housing to the new EarWire using the assembly tool. The number on the receiver housing and the terminal end of the EarWire must point upwards.
10. Attach a NanoCare wax guard.
11. Place a lock ring on the new receiver.
12. Thread the EarWire through the Custom receiver ear-tip as described in step 3 of Fitting the EarWare.
Sound bore and vent in the Instant receiver ear-tip flex The Instant receiver ear-tip flex has two canals: The sound bore for the receiver housing (lower canal) and the vent canal (upper canal). You can block the smaller canal partially or completely.
1 mm vent: insert the vent tube (1.7 mm > 1.0 mm)
0 mm vent: insert the vent block
How to connect the programming cables to a Passion hearing aid
The Widex CIC programming cables are used to program Passion. Before you can connect these, you must remove the battery drawer. In order not to damage the tiny hinges of the Passion hearing aid we recommend that you follow the procedure below to remove the battery drawer.
Open the battery drawer at an angle of 90 degrees. Insert the loose anchor between the hinges. See the pictures to the left.
Keep the anchor in place and push the battery drawer as if to close it.
Remove the battery drawer. The Passion hearing aid is now ready to be connected to the Widex programming cables. Use the same cables as for the CIC hearing aids.
Click them on at an angle of approx. 30 degrees.
When you have finished programming the Passion hearing aid, remove the programming
Attach the battery drawer to the hearing aid as shown in the picture to the left.
Push it firmly into the hinges. Open the battery drawer and insert a battery (size 10), then close the battery drawer.
Tips to correct bad fits
Symptom Cause Possible remedy
Hearing aid hanging EarWire too long Choose a smaller length of EarWire. above the ear
EarWire pulling at the EarWire too short Choose a larger length of EarWire.
ear and hearing aid
EarWire protruding from EarWire too long Choose a shorter length of EarWire the ear canal Anchor loop too large Make the anchor loop shorter Anchor not placed appropriately Make the anchor loop larger and position the anchor outside of the ear canal
Discomfort or itching Anchor not trimmed appropriately Check that the anchor is trimmed
flush with the small hole of the EarWire
Ear-set too small Choose a larger length of EarWire
Ear-tip incorrectly sized Choose a different size of ear-tip
Anchor size or position Make the loop smaller and position the
inappropriate anchor inside the ear canal
Ear-tip detaches from the Ear-tip not firmly pressed Check that the ear-tip is firmly attached
ear-set onto ear-set to the ear-set
Ear-tip size is too large and so not Choose a smaller ear-tip easily removed from ear canal
Hearing aid easily detaches Ear-set has been attached and Replace the ear-set
from the ear-set removed too many times
Ear-set is being inappropriately Counsel the client on appropriate
removed removal technique
Hearing aid falling off the Anchor not providing adequate Make the anchor loop larger and position
client’s ear retention it outside the ear canal, or make it
smaller and position it in the ear canal.
Ear-tip too small Choose a larger size of ear-tip
Incorrect size of ear-set Choose another ear-set
No sound coming from the Ear canal blocked by wax Arrange for or perform wax removal
hearing aid and clean or replace the receiver ear-tip
Download link for pdf copy of the bulletin Customising earsets for Passion
Sorry about the formatting, every time I try to correct it, it just gets worse. I have the document in PDF, if you want it just mail me at and I shall forward it.