Tuesday, October 11, 2011

New Tool To Manage & Engage New Patients whilst increasing your revenue.



I was asked to have a look at a new website recently for feedback. I have to say I am thoroughly impressed with the vision that has been deployed. In essence the website is a tool that allows a practice engage and manage new users during their trial or initial period of hearing aid use. The owners and designers of the site have designed it to assist in the reduction of cancellations after initial trial. I took a look at the tool and was astonished at its power and simplicity. Like all really good ideas, it’s one of those “Why didn’t I think of that?” ones.

I believe that this tool will

  1. Lower your cancellation rates
  2. Drive your Patient engagement strategy
  3. Display your commitment to best practice
  4. Can be leveraged to build your online community
  5. Act as both a hard and soft differentiator for your practice
  6. In time lower your marketing costs

The tool will allow you to communicate with your Patients consistently during the trial period, it will also give you a heads up on problem areas in order that you can design a strategy to deal with them before the issue overtakes the benefits accrued. The site is truly quite brilliant, the following are the features as displayed on the site

Ask questions

Ask questionsSet questions for your patients to answer during their trial period. Ask whatever you want: How did your hearing aids make you feel today? Can you hear people behind you? Which are clearer, male or female voices?


Give adviceGive advice

Write messages and advice that patients will see when they use Earmeter. Time your advice throughout a trial to make your patient feel more engaged and happier with their new hearing aid. Messages are available online or via email


Continuous feedbackContinuous feedback

You get day-by-day feedback from your patients as they use Earmeter, which allows you to get a clear picture of how their trial is going and also lets you proactively fix their issues as soon as they happen.


Give incentivesGive incentives

Earmeter tracks your patients and lets you know how often they are responding to your questions, messages and advice. You can set goals and offer incentives for patients to meet those goals


Monitor your patientsMonitor

Earmeter lets you quickly see your patients' answers as soon as they've submitted them, allowing you to respond quickly to problems and issues without having to wait to the next time the patient is in your office


iPod/iPad/mobile compatibleFor mobile devices

Earmeter is compatible with mobile devices and all major web browsers, allowing your patients to work with you wherever they may be.


The site layout is relatively intuitive, the management of your presence also appears to be relatively easy and intuitive. There are also plans to allow full customisation of your site presence allowing you to upload logos, change colours etc. More importantly Patient use features are easy and intuitive with a small learning curve.

Whilst this tool will not be for all your Patients, I think a large part of your future Patients will be happy to use it. I think this is a fantastic tool, it fits well with modern thought on practice management and Patient engagement.

It will also encourage web connection with your Patients and their inclusion in your community. After they have finished their trial they can then be moved onto your facebook community for continuous engagement. The tool will not only benefit your cancellation rate it will also help drive your Patient engagement strategy and lower your ongoing marketing and mailing costs, how cool is that?



Click to go to earmeter.

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons license.

Monday, October 3, 2011

Tools That Will Assist In Social Media Management.

Social media image
I was recently asked about the time that I committed to social media management. The reader was concerned that the time element was a deal breaker because of the many demands already laid on us by the running of busy practices. Although I no longer run my own practice, in my current position I assist with the running of many through our business support strategies. Whilst I admit it is not necessarily hands on and more advisory than anything else. It demands a lot of time, research and thought. That and driving, driving oh and more driving. So whilst organising strategical advice and the tactical delivery of the same, I have many demands on my time.
I first became involved in Social Media because it truly fascinated me, the psychology behind it and also the fact that it appealed to my own ideas of engagement. As I have said before, my company had no real involvement nor where they particularly interested. So, any time I committed was really my own. In order to reduce that time commitment I use, or have used the following tools.


Hootsuite is one of my favourites, it is an online tool that can run in your browser. The basic account is free and you can run five seperate social profiles. Hootsuite will manage Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Foursquare etc. It provides social analytics as well, whilst they are limited they do give you an understanding of what is happening with your posts across platforms. What I really love about Hootsuite is that they allow you to schedule posts with an easy to manage interface. Hootsuite also allows you to post to Facebook Pages and is one of the very few management interfaces that will allow this. This is an invaluable time saver, it allows you to plan and schedule posts as much ahead as you would like. Hootsuite also has an app for the iPhone. So your campaign can be controlled on the move. You can also set up search streams, which allow you to monitor keywords or hash tags that you may be interested in.
Get hootsuite here hootsuite plans


TweetDeck is another great free social media manager, it is different in that it lives on your desktop. Again, there is also an iPhone app for management on the go. It can also schedule posts in advance, manage keyword search listings and hash tag streams. My opinion though is that Hootsuite is the better option, the TweetDeck interface at present is not optimal and can quickly become cluttered. It is also not nearly as user friendly or feature rich for a power user. However having said that, don’t tell Hootsuite, I still wander back to TweetDeck from time to time, she was my first love. Twitter recently bought TweetDeck so I would expect some changes to the interface in the future, it should be interesting to see what they do with it.
Get TweetDeck Here TweetDeck Desktop 

Twitter App

The Twitter App available for the iPhone is a great management tool for monitoring mentions and direct messages. The app will automatically notify you of mentions or direct messages in order that you can respond on the go. It is a great little app and you can manage several different profiles from it. I would use it though purely to manage responses to mentions and direct messages as it does not allow posting to all of your profiles at one time. If you want to tweet a post to all your profiles you have to do it separately and it is cumbersome to do.
Get Twitter for iPhone here App store Twitter

Facebook App

Last but not least is Facebook’s App for the iPhone, I would use this quite regularly to monitor our Facebook business page and indeed my own personal page. It is ideal for on the go stuff such as managing friend requests, likes, comments on posts etc. It also allows you to upload pictures, status updates and your own comments whilst mobile. The interface is not fully functional in that they still haven't given you the feature to share other people’s posts to your business page, but I think that should be coming in the near future.
Get Facebook for iPhone here App store Facebook

Windows Live Writer

I use Windows Live Writer as a tool to publish my blogs, it is a great programme allowing me to write and format my posts as I wish them to be seen. It is acting up a bit now as I write but it only happens sometimes. It again is also free, so considering what I paid for it I got a really really really good deal.

You can download Windows Live Writer here Windows Live Writer
That would be a rundown of the management tools I use regularly, I think Hootsuite is the one that I most lean on for the management of all my social media channels. There are many more free and paid for management tools out there. search around and try some out, if you find one thats cool let me know.
you can check out some of the channels that I manage here:

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Social Media & Marketing For Audiological Practices


In this post I would like to lay out my arguments for engaging in non traditional marketing channels, I’ll discuss the channels available, the content type on each channel and the measurement of results. I would appreciate any discussion about this article and indeed what you think about the concepts I have raised.


We have moved into the 21st Century, the truth of that statement is easy to see around us every day. Our attitudes and habits as a society are changing, particularly the channels of communication that we use. More and more communication is undertaken over social web channels, we build online communities that increase our social connections beyond family and friends to friends of friends and even strangers. I think that the explosion of this type of engagement is a combination of our need to relate to our friend and family members who are removed from us by distance and also a reaction to the lost sense of community that appears to prevail in our society. 

The web, either as a search or communication tool has become the go to place. Whilst initially this phenomenon was driven by tech people and the young, it has become accepted throughout society in nearly every demographic. As I grew up, if I wanted to search for a business that provided a particular service I picked up the Golden Pages. Something that admittedly a lot of our customers still seem to do. However, I can not remember the last time that I looked at the Golden Pages and my children do not even know what it is. I had this hilarious conversation just a week ago with my seventeen year old son, after trying to explain the concept I told him it was Google before the dinosaurs died! Nothing like kids to make you feel old. 

As I have said, some of our demographic still use the Golden pages but they are more and more turning to the web and the ubiquitous Google to supply their needed information. Not only are they using search engines but more and more of them are using social networks to communicate and become involved in community and shared interests. Don’t forget, our customers are getting younger, because of better education and increased lifestyle expectations, people are searching out treatment for their hearing loss earlier and earlier at a much younger age.

Your Motivation

So, what does this have to do with you, an audiological practice owner who is trying to undertake targeted marketing that can give you adequate ROI? Marketing to our demographic is not JUST about newspapers and magazines anymore, nor though is it Just about social media. I have heard it said that traditional marketing is dead and online marketing is where its at, but I don’t think that is truly the case. However, I think that we as an industry have to become smarter and more adept about targeted marketing across all channels both new and traditional.

I think that it should be a collaborative approach using the best media for your business both traditional and new, I also think that both of these should and can be mixed and combined across campaigns. I think that this synergy can increase your exposure, engagement and supply a constant flow of business to your practice. In effect it can reduce cost per lead over time allowing you to better cope with the pressure on margins that are to the forefront of everybody’s mind at present.

So where does social media fit in our industry’s marketing mix?

The Channels

First lets have a look at the channels that exist right now. Three of the main channels that are being used by other industries and indeed some members of our own industry are Facebook, Twitter and blogs.  So, how will you use these channels to a commercial advantage? Each channel is different, the goals and usage tend to be quite different across the channels.

Facebook Facebook: The management of a Facebook Page tends to be a mix of content curation, finding and posting links to information that you judge may be of interest to your target audience, and content manufacture, the manufacture of good content that you deem will be of interest to your audience and will show your professionalism and expertise.

Twitter Twitter: Twitter is much more about content curation and some sharing of links to your own content. The following that you build up on Twitter will expect more engagement and will probably engage with you more.


Blog A Blog: A blog is where you can shine, it is all about content manufacture, its where you supply content that shows your professionalism and dedication to your subject and your Patient. It is where you provide good quality articles on your subject giving clear advice and discussing the latest developments.


Channel Strategies

On Facebook, the first thing to do is to set up a business page, the content strategy for this page is to position it more towards an advisory platform and less as a promotional channel. In order to do this, you can mix and match content of interest from third party pages such as hearing aid manufacturers and hard of hearing associations around the world. In fact this approach actually will leverage those pages to your advantage by allowing your page to be visible in the stream of the third party pages, possibly giving you the opportunity to connect to some of their followers. They obviously have an interest or else they would not be followers of these third party pages.

The content does not have to be strictly hearing related, a lot of our demographic are interested in gardening. Promoting gardening tips as part of your strategy may lead to engagement with people you may have not reached before. The posting of local information on your page is also ideal. As is liking local club pages and re-posting their content. These are an excellent source of both content and possible new followers. 

Facebook adverts as a medium is highly targeted and not nearly as costly as you may think. The benefits over traditional marketing is that it is live, vibrant and you have complete control over who it is delivered to. You can target the adverts by age, interests and even geographic areas. So in other words, I could place an advert saying just how brilliant I am, and you of course would agree, stop heckling at the back, then I could target that to every Facebook member over 55 in Dublin. I guarantee that I would be getting handbag smacks and gobshite remarks by tomorrow morning. How cool is that? the targeting, not the outcome, even my skin could not take the full Dublin wit for long.

Twitter is a different type of platform, Twitter is used to deliver links to content, be it yours or others that you think is fascinating. You post those links in the hope that your followers will find them fascinating and will engage with you in a deeper way. Its kind of like when you were five and found a ten inch worm in the garden. You just had to show it to everybody, Twitter is a bit like that.

Twitter is really important for learning from others, passing on useful information and listening in. The last one is probably the most important, Twitter can be effectively used to listen in to conversations pertaining to products you supply and your brand in a local and targeted way through its search facility. Even though Twitter is limited to 140 character posts and messages, I can truly say I find it the most engaging of platforms.

Your Twitter strategy should be to tweet links of interesting content with your own observations intermingled with links to your Facebook page and blog content. You should engage with your followers, thanking them for their follow and any retweets of your posts they undertake. This engagement will build into a community of sorts over a period of time.

Blogging: As I have said earlier, a blog is where you get to shine, where you get to show everybody how professional and caring you are. In order to do this you need to give direct, honest and undiluted advice. Write in your own voice being true to your own thoughts, if you do not, your content will be stilted  and your viewers will see through you.

You should also invite credible comment on the posts that you place on your blog. Again ensure that you answer as directly, honestly and as openly as possible. Your blog is not a news section, although it is okay to repost content that you find really interesting once you reference it and discuss why you find it interesting.

So before you move forward rushing into the abyss, sit down and outline your strategy for the elements of your online media and the content that you will provide. Think carefully about these questions,

What are your key areas of expertise? Are they different in any way than others?

What can you tell your customers that others can’t? What is your unique selling point?

Can you better inform customers about hearing loss? If so, How?

Where will you draw information from for your content? Other users, Traditional media? Manufacturers?

How will you manage your social media channels? What technology will you use to make it easier?

Who exactly in your organisation will manage it?

When a disgruntled customer posts a comment that is nightmarish for your brand, How are you going to deal with it?

If somebody complains on one of your channels, How will you deal with that?

Hey, I didn’t say this stuff was easy, just looking at the last few questions it becomes obvious that social media channels are something that you need to outline a strategy for and not one that fits on the back of a cigarette packet. Having said that, it is worth it, it is fun, it is exhilarating, it helps you to engage with your customers and potential customers for freeeeeeeeeeee! Knew that would get your attention, Running the social media channels for my company has been a wild ride, me on one side Facebooking, Tweeting and Blogging away while my bosses crouched semi terrified in the corner! Mwahhahhahhahahahahahahahah! Sorry some times the post stress just takes over.

In strict fairness, they have allowed me to undertake the experiment without beating me over the head or having me whacked, although I think I was close at least once or twice. The experiment so far, although only in my own opinion, has been a success, I have engaged with people worldwide, I have introduced new customers to our brand. Several people around the world now are customers of my company because of their engagement with us on the web. I have faced most of the questions I mentioned earlier, I had not thought of them before, so when they happened I faced what Pilots call, “Pucker Factor”.

I have to admit that how I dealt with it was on the fly, wing and a prayer stuff. My comments, answers, advice and help offers were just right to deal with the stuff that came up. I would not recommend that course of action to you though, THINK very carefully about every angle before you set off on your journey.

Return On Investment and Metricing

In order to metric your activities, you need to set KPIs. The KPIs around your social media are quite personal, there are many you can set and they reflect what exactly you want to gain from your campaign. Whichever metrics you choose, you should apply them quarterly initially and then monthly as your channels begin to grow. KPIs that I measure are new contacts made, quality of contacts, engagement with contacts. I also analyse ongoing hits on the blog and web activity around my online presence. The tools that allow you do this are either free or cheap, I use one for Twitter called Socialbro which is free right now, it is an outstanding piece of software. I am sure that most of you are already using Google analytics for your website, it can easily be used on your blog to give you excellent in depth data on the activity around you blog.

Pleas feel free to ask questions, giggle hilariously, disagree, oh and tell me I am a god and offer me money! That last one probably ain’t going to happen, but hey, we can live in hope!

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

How To Use The Gain Settings Panel With Widex Compass

How To Measure The Sensogram In Widex Compass

New Video Tutorial, How To Fine Tune With Compass

New Widex Fitting Tutorial Video, Using Compass Step By Step To Perform A Fitting.

This new video is one of a series that has been released in the last few days. We shall feature each one.

Thursday, September 1, 2011

SEC Issues Alert Regarding Fraudulent Investment Fund for the Deaf | September 1, 2011 | The Insider | The Hearing Review | Hearing Review Products

SEC Issues Alert Regarding Fraudulent Investment Fund for the Deaf | September 1, 2011 | The Insider | The Hearing Review | Hearing Review Products.

Washington, DC — The Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) has charged an Internet-based investment company, Imperia Invest IBC (Imperia), with securities fraud for defrauding investors of $7 million, of which $4 million was primarily from victims who are deaf or have hearing loss.

In October 2010, the SEC obtained a temporary restraining order and emergency asset freeze against Imperia for defrauding more than 14,000 investors worldwide.

The SEC's complaint alleged Imperia fraudulently raised more than $7 million, of which $4 million was collected primarily from deaf investors in the United States.

The latest alert regarding Imperia is to warn potential investors, including deaf investors, about the risk of “advance fee fraud” schemes involving companies with names similar to Imperia. Advertisements with testimonials promise generous funds for “deaf and hearing support” and require an upfront fee for processing.

In an advance fee fraud, an investor or "eligible recipiant" is asked to pay a fee in advance of receiving any proceeds, money, stock, etc, in order for the deal to go through. Once the fee is accepted via Paypal or other online service, the promised funds are never sent to the victim.

In the investment scheme, Imperia and its subcompanies have allegedly promised returns in excess of 1.2% per day. In reality, the advanced fees and investments were siphoned into foreign bank accounts, never paying any money back to victims. Imperia’s Web site stated that investors could access their profits through the purchase of a Visa debit card from Imperia for a few hundred dollars. However, Imperia has no relationship with Visa and was using the Visa name without authorization.

For more details and a sign language enhanced video of the SEC's fraud alert, go to www.sec.gov/investor/alerts/imperia.htm

SOURCE: The Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) 

As reported in The Hearing Review

Thursday, August 18, 2011

WIDEX CLEAR - Widex for hearing healthcare professionals

WIDEX CLEAR - Widex for hearing healthcare professionals.


The CLEAR family includes the three series CLEAR440, CLEAR330 and CLEAR220.

Widex hearing aids for children : CLEAR family
If you are looking for the premium wireless solution, then the CLEAR™ family is the answer.

CLEAR uses Widex’ own wireless technology called WidexLink, the first of its kind designed especially for hearing aids. This means that CLEAR hearing aids Widex for children - FUSION from CLEAR familycommunicate with each other instantly and constantly, just like two ears do. And children can truly enjoy the benefits of natural sound.

Also part of the CLEAR family is our outstanding FUSION model (picture). FUSION is an all-in-one model designed to suit most types of hearing loss.

CLEAR for children includes:

  • Seamless communication and coordination between hearing aids

  • Real sound in real time

  • Easy and high-speed access to external devices such as TV’s or mobile phones

  • Widex’ own wireless technology – WidexLink – fast, secure and robust

  • Fast, accurate and convenient wireless fitting

  • A choice of three different receivers in the one model (FUSION only)

More information

Get a feature overview of the whole Widex for Children portfolio:
Download - Product and feature overview.pdf

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Patient Reminders Software, an excellent potential Patient Retention Tool

Patient Reminders Software, Increasing Customer Engagement & Retention For Your Practice.



I very rarely advocate any other company’s products on this blog, I think the clue is in the blog name really. Although I am open to offers of freebies, an iPhone 5 for review perhaps? :) However, occasionally I come across a product or tool which I feel has real benefit for our Retail customers such as the OtoPod which was featured in an earlier post. In this case, it is a piece of software that can be deployed as part of a practice management suite that I feel could deliver real benefit to any Retail Practice.

I recently came across a piece of software that I feel maybe extremely beneficial for any retail organisation; the software is named Patient Reminders and is deployed as a net based system. I believe the software has the ability to be extremely beneficial to a retail organization. The software can be deployed in a way that will bring both tactical and long term strategic benefits to any brands Retail operations.

I feel that in a Retail operation the deployment of the system will allow:

· Increased customer engagement

· Better compliance in appointment fulfilment

· ongoing marketing opportunities

· Increased Patient Retention

The system is an automated sms reminder system, designed for and deployed by drug research companies for use in clinical trials, it is designed to remind Patients of follow up appointments, the metered taking of particular experimental drugs and the recording of their Patient Diary. The software can be adapted for our industry purposes particularly in retail operations either as standalone independents or national multi outlet brands. I think a well designed deployment of the system can be utilised to encourage:

  • Brand Awareness
  • Loyalty
  • Customer Retention.

The idea in deployment would be to automate a schedule of text messages to be delivered, the core content of the text messages would be automated appointment reminders to assist in your set Patient journey/follow up schedule. This should and could include initial test appointments and no sale follow up messages.  You can also utilise the text messaging service as part of your standard marketing endeavours, notifying Patients of relevant offers or ongoing campaigns, carefully customised to them.

Increasing Appointment Compliance by 40%?

It also has the benefit of cutting down on paper use and postage costs, you can also be reasonably sure that your carefully designed message is in fact been read by your target audience. I read an interesting statistic recently that has real bearing on our industry among many others. It stated that in the US up to 44% of direct marketing mail went unread? I also noted with interest while I was researching this software, a study released by the NHS that stated that compliance with appointments had increased by 40% with the introduction of an automated sms reminder system.


That Study Data Can Be Downloaded Here Text Messaging in Healthcare

The following is a brief outline of the Patient Reminders system from the company who provides it


Patient Reminders is a simple, secure, web form for practitioners or patients to:

  • Register hearing aid device serial numbers for warranty protection
  • Opt in to receive perfectly timed SMS and/or email reminders to return for a hearing aid service or test at the correct interval
  • Be updated on special offers or new products and be motivated to book a demonstration

Only very basic information is needed on the web form:

  • Device type from a prepared pick-list
  • Serial number
  • Date of fitting/supply from calendar picker
  • Practitioner from prepared pick-list
  • Cell phone and or email
  • First name
  • Country and language from pick-lists

From the date of fitting, the system automatically builds the perfect visit schedule. Messages are sent to patients at the correct time in the local language and font. Languages such as Hebrew, Russian and Chinese are supported as standard making it a global solution. The solution can be designed to include the Practitioners/Retailers name, website and phone number within the message sign-off, ensuring complete ease of use, encouraging the patient to call and book the appointment or product demonstration.

The data is encrypted and secured on the Patient Reminders servers. This solution has been designed for the clinical trials industry. They are HIPPA, EU privacy Directive, Safe Harbor and CAN SPAM compliant. Data is never shared or divulged.

The benefits include:

  • Making it easy for patients to reach back to practitioners
  • Increased hearing aid device service and maintenance routines
  • Elegant communications keeping customers happy and showing we care
  • Gentle reminders at the optimal time to book new product demonstrations
  • Increase customer loyalty and generate repeat sales

Patient Reminders can be viewed at

Patient Reminders

Like I said, I don’t normally plug other people, its hard to fit it in around me telling you how wonderful I am! But I think that this software could be of real value to Retailers. Let me know what you think,


Thursday, July 28, 2011


Loyalty schemes as strategically deployed programmes to aid to Patient Retention

Loyalty schemes are becoming more and more prevalent in the retail world and indeed beyond to the service industry. These schemes are not really deployed in our industry to any real extent. I think an introduction of a loyalty scheme can and will help your business in the long term. The mantra in our business, particularly at present, although in some quarters it is nothing new, is Patient Retention. We all know that in order to survive in the current economic climate we need to retain our Patients and in doing so we will see a growth in new business through customer referral. I have written before here along these themes and I am constantly thinking about tactical applications that will encourage that strategic goal.

In my day to day work in Widex Ireland I am on hand to advise and support our accounts with business and marketing ideas to assist them with their business. Here at Widex and I mean Widex internationally, we are committed to supporting our customers to grow and prosper. This is not all altruistic of course, it is grounded in the belief that if our customers prosper through our support, so shall we. Their success is by extension our success. This attitude is enshrined within Widex and has been since the inception of the company, I think we as a company have become famous for forging long standing business relationships with Partners as opposed to just selling to Customers.

Enough of the love fest already, I just give it as background as to why we are constantly thinking about ways for you, our customers to succeed, that and the hope that Mike (the big Gaffer) says, this guys a genius. Stop laughing Miller it could happen! Back to the point, Loyalty Schemes, so how will we introduce it and what will we offer. Also, what do we expect back from the scheme, the scheme, no matter its extent will involve some investment, whether that be time resources or money. In order to assess some of these questions we first have to understand what a loyalty scheme is and how it applies to our business.

So a loyalty scheme is defined as the following:


So in essence it is a simple concept, in application is where it gets interesting. The immediate questions that are raised for me are:

  • What Customers?
  • What discounts?
  • On what products?
  • Loyalty Card? Now you are having a giggle right?

Ok, lets have a look at the preceding:

What customers? Hell allllll of them, even people who aren't your customers. When you start a good loyalty club, advertise it, anyone can join and avail of the discounts on the products or services you define. If they want either the products or indeed the services if you include any, they are either hearing instrument users or they know somebody who is. If you didn't sell them the last set of instruments lets try and make sure you sell them the next set of hearing instruments. So start your loyalty club and advertise its advent, advertise it as open to anybody on sign up. Include a reference to it in all your advertising, web, news media, leaflets, practice brochures etc, oh and it is a perfect opportunity to send a meaningful communication of real value(I talk about these a lot) to your existing customers.

What discounts? That is for you to decide, but they have to be meaningful and of value to your customers and more importantly to people who are not your customers yet. You need to look at it from a purely economic point of view, the cut in margin can be made up in volume sales. Another key thought here is that attracts new customers and helps to retain old ones is a real cheap lead. How much do you think it costs you via traditional marketing to generate a lead? If all it costs you here is a cut in margin and a few pence for mailing and loyalty cards, that is a pretty cheap lead.

On what products? Okay, this is where it becomes an interesting tactical exercise, you need to ask yourself what do I wish to achieve with this strategy. You also need to ask yourself what do my customers want and what would they value from me? I think there is actually a meeting of needs here, it would be nice for most businesses to increase revenue from regular purchase ancillary products. The core regular purchase ancillary products in our business are batteries and clean and care products, clean and care products are something that I am sure we would all like to encourage as they bolster instrument reliability and reduce failure and service costs. So for both us and the Patient the purchase of clean and care supplies are a win win. So encourage the sale through discounted products and do so in a way that brings benefit to you through offering discounts through a loyalty club. You can also consider in the medium to long term offering discounts on new sets of hearing instruments, again perhaps you are reducing margins, but we all give discounts to returning Patients. A loyalty scheme formalises this and also removes the need to discuss discount because you have set it.

Loyalty Card? Yes please, nice shiny pieces of plastic woohoooooo. I love em, makes me feel all growed up! Sorry I digress, a good quality loyalty card is in the scheme of things quite cheap to have printed, then individualizing it is easy with some of the desktop printing solutions designed for this purpose. Get a well designed loyalty card printed up, even better if your till system scans codes, you can entry the data on it and the production and scan of the card at point of sale can automatically apportion discount. In this manner you can also capture ongoing data pertaining to purchasing and design and customise individual offers to your Patients. Of course none of this works as well if you do not have good CRM systems coupled with good point of sales systems. But don't let that put you off, it can be done manually, just design your CRM in order that you can record purchases on it in a way that you can search and quantify. The only way to manage and grow your business is by knowing all the data.

Please feel free to comment and tell me why I am wrong! J

Monday, July 25, 2011

15 reasons why you should wear two hearing instruments, sort of

Actually Seventeen reasons why you should wear two hearing aids

Taken from "Binaural Hearing aids: The Fitting of Choice for Bilateral Loss Subjects", Sergei Kochkin, Ph.D.

The following is the sum up of a survey undertaken by Sergei Kochkin several years ago. I have posted on it before but I thought it was ultra important to do so again, particularly now that Widex has introduced interear functions in the Clear hearing instrument platform. In order to get the very best from the hearing instruments you really need to wear two.

The interear features already have been described as giving the most natural sound and as more and more of our famous research and innovation is brought to bear on the processor and data exchange services the instruments will become even better and the underlying reason to wear binaural hearing instruments will be stronger.

So I would like to add two more reasons, although they are really just relevant if you are wearing Widex Clear hearing instruments,

Widex 1. Preserving Interaural level difference

Interaural level is important for preserving localisation

Widex 2. Preserving temporal cues

Again, this is important for preserving localisation.

Localisation is key for ability to tell the direction of a sound, it also allows you to build up a sound picture which will also assist you further with the understanding of speech in noise. Here are the other fifteen reasons.

1. Better understanding of speech

By wearing two hearing instruments rather than one, selective listening is more easily achieved. This means your brain can focus on the conversation you want to hear. Research shows that people wearing two hearing aids routinely understand speech and conversation significantly better than people wearing one hearing aid.

2. Better understanding in group & even noisy situations

Speech intelligibility is improved in difficult listening situations when wearing two hearing aids. However, advanced binaural technology tends to perform better in noise than the older (linear) technology.

3. Better ability to tell the direction of sound

This is called localization. In a social gathering, for example, localization allows you to hear from which direction someone is speaking to you. Also, localization helps you determine from which direction traffic is coming or where your children or grandchildren are playing. Simply put, with binaural hearing, you will better detect where sounds are coming from in every situation.

4. Better sound quality

When you listen to a stereo system, you use both speakers to get the smoothest, sharpest, and most natural sound quality. The same can be said of hearing instruments. By wearing two hearing instruments, you increase your hearing range from 180 degrees reception, with just one instrument, to 360 degrees. This greater range provides a better sense of balance and sound quality.

5. Smoother tone quality

Wearing two hearing instruments generally requires less volume than one. This results in less distortion and better reproduction of amplified sounds.

6. Wider hearing range

It's true. A person can hear sounds from a further distance with two ears, rather than just one. A voice that's barely heard at 10 feet with one ear can be heard up to 40 feet with two ears.

7. Better sound identification

Often, with just one hearing instrument, many noises and words sound alike. But with two hearing instruments, as with two ears, sounds are more easily distinguishable.

8. Keeps both ears active resulting in less hearing loss deterioration

Research has shown that when only one hearing instrument is worn, the unaided ear tends to lose its ability to hear and understand. This is clinically called the auditory deprivation effect. Those wearing two hearing instruments keep both ears active. In fact, wearing one hearing aid when two are required might result in greater deterioration of hearing loss in the unaided ear than when wearing no hearing aid at all.

9. Hearing is less tiring and listening more pleasant

More binaural hearing aid wearers report that listening and participating in conversation is more enjoyable with two instruments, instead of just one. This is because they do not have to strain to hear with the better ear. Thus, binaural hearing can help make life more relaxing.

10. Feeling of balanced hearing

Two-eared hearing results in a feeling of balanced reception of sound, also known as the stereo effect.

Whereas monaural hearing creates an unusual feeling of sounds being heard in one ear.

11. Greater comfort when loud noises occur

A lower volume control setting is required with each of two hearing instruments than with just one hearing instrument, resulting in better tolerance of loud sounds.

12. Reduced feedback and whistling

With a lower volume control setting the chances of hearing aid feedback is reduced.

13. Tinnitus Masking

About 50% of people with ringing in their ears report improvement when wearing hearing aids. If the

subject has a hearing aid in only one ear, there will still be ringing in the ear, which does not have a hearing aid present.

14. Consumer preference

When given the choice and allowed to hear binaurally, the overwhelming majority of consumers choose two hearing aids over one, when they have a hearing loss in both ears.

15. Customer satisfaction

Research with more than 5,000 consumers with hearing loss in both ears demonstrated that binaurally fit subjects are more satisfied than people fit with one hearing aid. Nature gave us two ears for a reason just like it gave us two eyes and limbs. So logically, just as you use both eyes to see clearly, you need two healthy ears to hear clearly. Before you decide on one hearing aid try two. Your hearing health provider can demonstrate to you the binaural advantage experience either through headphones (during testing), probe microphones, master hearing aids, or during your trial fitting. Decide for yourself.

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Thoughts on the current market outlook


Customers with Dispenser In my position at Widex Ireland I am constantly out and about in our market place meeting with Dispensers and discussing the ongoing business outlook. The overwhelming response is that business is harder this year than it was last year, when you discuss it in a more in-depth way several things become clear. Our market place and our customers have changed, not only has our marketplace and customers changed but some of the larger players within our market are changing as well. They are becoming better at what they do, better at dealing with Patients and better at retaining them. You will need to change with the changing reality if you want to continue to compete. With a view to my ongoing discussions, these are the points I consistently hear:

  • New Customers are few and far between
  • Any new Customers are better educated pertaining to Hearing Instruments
  • Any new Customers are more aware of ongoing care required
  • Any new Customers are shopping around for price
  • There is a perceived massive reduction on ROI on traditional marketing
  • 60 to 70%, and perhaps more in certain practices, of business written at present, is return business
  • A large part of what is termed new business written is in fact Patient referral business

I think the preceding points are representative of the industry outlook in Ireland, from my discussions with owner Dispensers across the world, but particularly in the USA, it appears that this situation is in fact relatively representative of the industry worldwide. I would like to address these perceptions because I do not necessarily believe they are exactly true as stated.

With reference to the new customers, from manufacturers figures worldwide, there has been little or no drop in units sold internationally. However, there has been a drop in average sales price per unit, this may or may not be weighted by sales to public health services(traditionally much cheaper units sold at volume). In other words, there actually appears to be the same amount of new business been written year on year and in some markets there has been an increase in units sold.

New customers being better educated, this appears to be borne out by the figures and indeed by my conversations with Dispensers. For the first time, Patient expectations and levels of technology for the most part are aligned. By that I mean, we are managing Patient expectations better, the information that they view on the internet and receive from others is also in line with what current technology can deliver. Hearing instruments from most manufacturers are approaching a sadolin moment (they do exactly what they say on the tin!).

Confidence in low end and mid end technology to meet lifestyle requirements is at an all time high, that combined with the present economic conditions is in fact pushing average sales price down. This is not necessarily a bad thing, as perception of hearing instruments and their ability to assist with loss changes so will the volume of units sold. Don’t necessarily think about the units that are sold, think about the large proportion of people with loss who do not purchase. The people who purchase hearing aids are only at the most 10% of the people who may be assisted with hearing instruments. That is a huge un-tapped market, whilst the reasons for this are multiple and complex, perceptions of hearing instrument efficacy plays a part.

New customers being aware of ongoing care needs, again this is not a bad thing for our industry. If you in fact give a comprehensive care package with your hearing instrument sale, you have nothing to fear. If you don’t, you better start thinking about giving one! Alternatively you may look at this an opportunity to increase unit volume and ancillary revenue. Perhaps if you run a parallel pricing scheme. One pricing scheme that includes hearing instrument price and ongoing care package and another that just includes hearing instrument price with a separate payment structure for aftercare packages, or indeed aftercare visits. You can even mix these up offering the hearing instrument and two years care or the hearing instrument and three years care etc.

New customers shopping around for price, this is a common reality in all spheres of business. I think you should pitch your price to your market segment, with an eye to your competitors. By that I mean, if you are a boutique practice that deals with high technology consumers and your practice setting reflects this, well then by extrapolation your prices can also represent this within reason. However, if you are working out of the boot of your car or in clinics in less than salubrious conditions, your prices also need to reflect this.

A perceived massive reduction on ROI on traditional marketing, I have heard this consistently and assumed it to be correct. However, I have over time concluded an interesting idea, it came from the term itself, “traditional marketing”. The adverts that are being run are exactly the same as has always been run, there is no real change in the content or overall feel of the adverts that are being run. Our demographic is increasingly sophisticated, we know this to be true, then we pitch to them with the same adverts, through the same channels that we have always done. Does anything about the last statement seem odd to you? Change up your advertising, change your layout, try a new pitch, investigate other media channels. Use eye catching visual humour in your advertising where possible, use eye catching visuals all of the time.

Return business, it does appear that the key to ongoing success and even growth is return business. Practices that I service who have traditionally high percentages of return business are doing very well at the minute. If your practice does not retain Patients, you need to sit down and honestly ask yourself why? Then you quickly need to deal with the issues, it will not affect your business levels short time, however in the medium to long term it will stabilise your business income.

Patient referral business, I am afraid this is an extension of my last paragraph, if your Patient won’t return to you for another set of hearing instruments, why would they refer their friends? So in short, what can we take from the above, what action points can you take?

Although things are hard, there are still customers out there, in order to get your share of the market you need to think on your feet. You need to consider all media channels for marketing and you also need to consider new elements in your practice as marketing avenues. You need to consider every Patient as a long term investment and a marketing vehicle in their own right, and you need to do it today. Design your practice and practice procedures around this concept, if you have traditionally done that, well done! You are doing relatively well already, if you have not, start now. Your business will feel the effects of that change in the medium to long term.

In my next post I want to discuss some ideas I have around non traditional marketing channels and how you might integrate them into you practice in a relatively cost neutral way. 

Monday, July 11, 2011

Your web strategy, Facebook, Twitter, or not?

Image via CrunchBase

twitter_bird_2 If you are a follower of Widex Ireland, you know that we post some content and tweet a lot of links pertaining to social media and web presence. In my recent posts here I have been concentrating on web presence pertaining to your website.

Whilst I was writing the last post I touched upon the concept of web presence strategy, or online strategy. I actually realised that some people neither have one or completely understand what the phrase means or how it refers to their online presence.

For instance, my strategy is to connect to both my customers and indeed end users through several online media channels, this blog, facebook, my space, youtube and twitter to be exact. Oh and probably Google Plus when they realise they forgot to invite me, they’re busy, probably just slipped their minds! The underlying strategy and overall long term goal is to build a community of both Dispensers and end users for Widex internationally.

I also wish to positively affect these peoples buying decisions and increase their perception of and loyalty to, my adopted brand. Those are my long term goals and overall strategy, in order to attain this I have to apply and follow clear tactical guidelines and actions.

Chief among these guidelines for me would be:

  • Honest, human interaction with all my followers
  • Good, well written, factual and clear content
  • Content that is of interest to my target market
  • Honest and immediate interaction with my followers
  • Educational content

The tactical actions I take pertaining to these guidelines are:

  • Regular tweets of own content
  • Regular re-tweets of content of interest
  • Cross platform posting of tweets to Facebook
  • Regular posts on the blog
  • Cross platform postings of the blog to Twitter
  • Uploading of videos to youtube and cross platform posting of same
  • Clear

My online presence is multi platform because this allows me to reach as many possible followers as I can. However, this approach is time consuming and challenging. There are several tools that allow me to reduce the time I spend on our presence, however, they do not reduce the challenge of posting diverse and intelligent content. Stop laughing at the back please, wesley Miller said I was intelligent, although, he was giggling at the time?

Do not forget, I am endeavouring to cater to two very different audiences, Dispensing professionals and end users.They both demand differing information around the same topics. This is a constant challenge for me, I need to design content that will be of interest to both audiences on a regular basis if I indeed want to carry both audiences along with me on my travels.

It is indeed not always possible, for instance this post and the last few preceding ones have been part of our business support ethos, something that is very strong in both Widex Ireland and Widex Internationally. Your average end user has no real interest in applying an online strategy. The closest they tend to get to online strategy is remembering not to post on facebook drunk, although that is indeed one of my own closely held strategies.  The average Dispenser probably would like to know about online business strategies.

I have barely touched the surface of my online strategy and indeed the use of social media, it is a subject that is exhaustive. I wish just to give bare outlines and indeed the points I think are imperative. 

Before you move forward with any online strategy, I would caution you to think carefully about what the long term goals of that strategy are? I would then clearly lay out the steps that you will take to attain those long term goals. The question you should clearly ask yourself is, why do I want a website, or facebook page, or Twitter account? If the answer is because my competitor has one, then you will do yourself a great disservice by obtaining one.

The initial step that should be taken by any business is the fundamental one, the foundation that all of your presence will be built on, your website. You need to treat your website as a living document, it should constantly change and evolve. Acceptable webpage design even as little as two years ago is now very dated looking. Has your webpage been updated in the last year, if not, why not?

I am speaking of your content here, not even your site design, your business regularly has events in its yearly life cycle, such as marketing campaigns, product offers, new additions to your price list, changes in your price list etc. These are ideal opportunities to update your site, keeping your content fresh.

In fact, in order to keep your site high on page one of the search engines returns, you need to update your content regularly with a view to constantly changing keywords and tags to reflect current search terms. This alone should drive you to tend your website carefully and often. These regime should include careful and honest assessment of your site design.

If it looks dated, change it, include a news segment that is regularly updated with cross links to an offers page where you keep your latest practice offers updated. Add a blog page that you update with content on a regular basis, the content you can use is endless, but always put your own spin on it. A viewer will spot canned content a mile away and their perception of you will be affected.

Always remember, you are dealing with the perceptions of not only existing, but prospective customers. Their perceptions of you are implicitly your top priority. their perceptions are what will make them pick you as a provider or indeed move on to somebody else.

The foundation step, before you move into any social networks is to ensure your website is right for you, ensure it represents you as you would like it to.

Included in the preceding paragraphs is an outline of how I utilise several on line platforms, my web-presence, to achieve my long term strategy. The question is, what is your long term web-presence strategy and how will you achieve it?

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Saturday, July 9, 2011

Tips to help you with your website or blog.

GoodSearch home page

Image via Wikipedia

I have been thinking more and more about web presence and the perceptual effect that a site has on a prospective Patient. The following is a summation of my own thoughts and some of the elements that I have noted on the web.

There is a lot of information out there in relation to business web presence and strategy. From using keywords to optimise your site for search engines, to your actual ongoing strategy for having a web presence. The latter is something that a lot of companies just do not think about in a in depth manner. Simply put, why are you on the web and what is your long term strategy for your web presence.

If you do not think clearly about this question and then utilise your strategy effectively, you are wasting your time. I will come back to this subject and explain further the concepts and practices that pertain to long term web strategy in another post.

The overall goal for your website is to attract and keep visitors. If you have undertaken the hard work to have your page highly ranked in the search engines, or indeed you have undertaken some marketing to increase your web traffic, it makes sense to ensure your visitor stays on your site. These tips may assist you to accomplish that goal.

What are some of the ways you can improve the overall chances that a customer will stay on long enough on your website, to become interested in a consultation or purchase?

  • Make your call to action obvious on your home page. There must be a clear and concise call to action on your home page. In the case of our industry it could be  a headline such as “Free Hearing Test Provided”, “Providers of Bespoke Hearing Solutions”. Be sure to include the solutions that you are providing also, however, do not get text heavy, detail the solutions as links. If they want more information they can click through to a more in depth explanation. The place to click needs to be obvious, practically shouting “CLICK ME, CLICK ME”.
  • Write great headlines. Attracting readers is a big part of your motivation. But don’t write outrageous headlines that do not match your content. Like traditional advertising, you need to ensure that you are not entering into any false advertising.
  • Improve readability. Add white space and ensure you are using fonts that are clear and attractive. Get rid of any clutter, think clean lines. Readers are more likely to stay on a site where it’s easier to see the information that they wish to see. Include clear high res pictures on your pages.
  • Have videos on the site. In our industry it is relatively easy to source high quality videos from manufacturers, embed them in your site. Several people within the industry are making their own videos, if you do it, make sure your production quality is high, the content is good, the presenter has a relatively decent screen presence and the finished video is edited and outputted in a relatively high resolution.
  • Include Patient testimonials. Ask your Patient’s for testimonials, if you have indeed treated them properly and provided solutions to their problems, they will be happy to provide them. Don’t be embarrassed to ask, a large proportion of your Patients would normally be happy to help you in some way. These testimonials will add authenticity and allow a prospective Patient to begin to trust you and your claims, they also may increase the chances a prospective Patient will look a bit deeper around your site.
  • Have a blog page on your site. Ensure the content is good, of interest to the potential customer and well written. Your blog the information provided and the tone it is provided in tends to be more informal, it is where your prospective customer finds out about your knowledge and ability to provide advice.
  • Keep the important information above the fold. Users need to see the core of your message without having to scroll down.
  • Make it easy to find information. Do not make it difficult to find information on your site. If somebody can not find what they are looking for easily, they will go back to the original search and try another company.
  • Have a prominent Search Box. Users need to have an easy way to find just what they are looking for. Make your search box enormous, ensure that any and all permutations of a search entered will lead them to what they are looking for on your site.

Look at your site from a prospective Patients point of view. What do you honestly think of your site and what elements on your site would drive you away?

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Thursday, July 7, 2011

The changes in our Patients.


I recently read an article pertaining to the changing nature of Patients, and stop harrying from the back, Widex Ireland contrary to the rumours can read, but I digress. The article was actually in reference to the changing knowledge profile of Doctors’ Patients, however it was thoroughly valid to our sector. It really started me thinking, and after we identified what the burning smell was and the fire brigade had been sent away, this is what I come up with.

When I first entered practice, only a short few years ago, Patients who attended my practice were not particularly knowledgeable about either their possible condition or any of the many instruments that may be available to them. Questions of this nature where nearly always answered with what could be termed a generic answer. If you asked what do you know about hearing instruments? The answer tended to be not much, but I know there is the small ones that go in the ear and the ones that go outside the ear.

Again, if you asked the same question about hearing loss, you would either get a not much or again a generic answer pertaining to age. Over the years I began to notice this changing, it was initially a slow affair, with one or two Patients a month surprising me with more specific knowledge. It still really amounted to slightly more targeted but generic knowledge, such as a brand name in the case of the hearing instrument question or perhaps a clearer definition of a hearing loss.

Usually when I discussed this with the Patient, it transpired that the source of knowledge was usually the internet. At that time it was unusual for our Patients, our Demographic to utilise the internet for anything, let alone searches pertaining to hearing loss and instruments. But I believe that this has changed radically.

I no longer practice, can you hear the sigh of relief?, but in my function with Widex Ireland I get to speak to practising Dispensers every day. What I have found is that Dispensers report that more and more prospective and existing Patients express opinions with real knowledge. Thoughts about their particular pathology of loss and perhaps its’ aetiology, they also express much better knowledge about the instruments that are available, mentioning not only brands but also platforms or indeed instrument configurations.

With this in mind and also my experience on the multiple social platforms that Widex Ireland uses, it has become obvious to me that a large part of our customer base is not only web literate but that number is increasing exponentially daily. They are being taught their new skills through active retirement clubs, government initiatives, even by their sons, daughters and grandchildren.

So where am I going with this, wait for it, wait for it, have I ever let you down before? Ok there was that time, oh yes and that other time, oh yes and that….., again I digress. What this means to us is that a large and growing part of our customer base is now online, not only are they online but they understand how online works. They are searching out information pertaining to their ailment and the possible solutions that may be available. When they search for the centres that may supply them those solutions, you want to be there and you want to dress to impress.

Every practice should sit down and devise a strategy for their internet presence, at this stage, although there is a headlong rush towards social media, social networking is not yet key to our business. Don’t get me wrong, it is important and will become more and more important as time goes by. What is important right now is your traditional web presence and how you use it. Your website!Start with your website, before you enter into any social media networks.

If I have clicked through to your website from a search link, you have about five seconds for me to decide to stay. What will make me stay? Level of production quality, clarity, my first thoughts. With this in mind, your landing page and indeed all the sites pages need to be designed with this in mind. It must look professional, it should have high quality pictures of high resolution. The chosen colour scheme and font should speak of professionalism and sophistication.

So, your page has all of this and you have grabbed my attention, I want to get to the information I need quickly, I want a decent summation of the information with the facility to click through to a fuller explanation. I want the click through and summation to be clear, I want it to wave at me. If I click through to the more in depth information I want a back button, a big one so I can see it and I don’t have to think about it.

I want your site to be intuitive and easy, because if its not, I am sure your competitor or his competitor has a site just like that. If you have a web shop on your site or a blog and you should, because again, they may not be a big part of your business now, but that will change. I want easy links, again in the shop I want big high res pictures of what I am going to buy with clear outlines of what it is. I also do not want to jump through hoops to pay you, you make me jump through hoops and I is taking my money elsewhere.

Your site including your blog and your web shop should be easily searched, even if I put a stupid miss-spelt reference, I want your search facility to offer me the option of the right product or blog post.  I do not want to dig through your site for information, perhaps because I am lazy, perhaps because I have the attention span of a goldfish or perhaps because I am just learning this damned new fangled rubbish and your failure to make it easy for me has irritated me enough to go back to Google to look for another vendor.

I finally get to the point, the most important web presence you have is your website, it tells all your potential customers who you are. Its look and presentation tells of your professionalism and the experience while browsing it psychologically affects somebody's perception of you. It can be a fantastic tool for you and your practice or it can be an insidious presence working against you, you need to decide which.

AS Heard On TV, or not in this case.

A unique study for Voice of The Listener, funded by Widex, finds 53% of over 65s have trouble hearing what is being said on TV and have pinpointed why.

Lack of speech intelligibility on TV programs, especially for the over 65s and those with a hearing impairment, is a growing problem. This research has thrown up some surprising causes and led to a BBC initiative to resolve it.

The key findings were as follows:

  • 45% of programs watched by those with poor or very poor hearing gave them spoken word problems
  • 53% of over 65s could not hear speech in 22 identified problem programs
  • 29% of programs posed speech audibility problems to 10% of over 65s52% of respondents said that background music “reduced their enjoyment”

The study sample was made of 8500 over 65s, who completed a TV diary that asked detailed questions about their viewing. The results were then analyzed and 22 problem programs were identified with which a significant number of the viewers had issues.

Recordings of these programs were subjected to rigorous sound testing. It was found that background music was indeed a contributing factor, but poor recording and sub standard artist dialog levels negatively affected a greater proportion of programs.

Six programs had added music that masked the voice of the presenter or actor. A further six had poor microphone placement recording indistinct dialog. Seven programs had artists whose vocal performance was at too low a level to be recorded adequately by the microphone.

To its credit, the BBC has responded quickly, it has launched an industry wide training initiative through the BBC Academy. A series of training modules based on the findings are being made available to the whole broadcasting industry. They will also be used in college courses including the National Film and TV School.


Dick Bates, Peter Meneer and David Walker (all former BBC executives) initiated this programme

GFK NOP was both the research company for the BBC Pulse Online panel and the supplementary VLV paper diary project among the over 65s

Louise Wilcox MIBS (Partner DWS Associates volunteered her services to analyze the programs.

Story first Published in Listen, The World of Widex, issue 03, 2011

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